Removing Learners from an Assessment
To remove a Learner from an Assessment:
- Go to the Assessment details page (accessible either through selecting the Assessment title on the Home tab or Assessments tab, or as the page you are redirected to when you first save the Assessment).
- From the list of assigned Learners, select the Learner or Learners that you wish to remove. Once selected, the Learner's name should be highlighted, and the checkbox next to their name should be ticked.
- Select the Remove Selected Learner(s) button at the top of the list of assigned Learners (see below).
- An alert box will ask you to confirm that you wish to remove the Learners. Select OK to remove the Learners.
- You will be shown a confirmation message saying how many Learners were successfully removed.
Tip: If you have a long list of assigned Learners, you can search for a specific Learner and find only those that are currently assigned to the Assessment. See Searching for Educators and Learners for more details.

Figure 1: The Remove Selected Learner(s) button.