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Response Information Report (Writing)

Response Information Report (Writing)

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3. This part of the screen shows the name that the Educator gave to the Assessment, the Learner's name and the task and criterion selected.

4. The left side of the page gives information about the task and the criterion.

  • Task – the name of the task
  • Context – the situation in which the writing would most likely take place in everyday life. In this example, the context is Community and citizenship. For other tasks, the context might be Work or Health and safety.
  • Text Type – the kind of writing that the task requires. In this example the task is to write a letter.
  • Progression – the learning progression that this criterion relates to
  • Criterion – the name of the criterion. In this example, the progression and the criterion have the same names.
  • Skill focus – a general description of the aspect of writing that is focused on when assessing the Learner's writing with this criterion
  • Category score – the score that the Educator gave to the Learner's writing for this task and this criterion

5. The right side of the page gives information about the individual Learner's response.

  • First column – all the category scores available for this criterion. In this example, the categories are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
  • Second column – a summary of the writing skills that need to be demonstrated to achieve the score.
  • Green arrow – the Learner's score on this criterion.

The Learner in this example achieved a score of 2 for Purpose and audience on Task A. This means that he spelled most simple and most common words correctly (without support).

6. View Group Category Scores. If a Group of Learners has completed this Assessment, click on this link to see the Group's scores on this criterion and task.

More detailed information on the Reports in the Assessment Tool can be downloaded in PDF format here.

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